Do You know Apple Is No Longer a Top Brand as at 2016/17 (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th will Shock You) “Oops! How have the mighty fallen, it pains me personally” would be a perfect exclamation phrase for what you are about to read now while keeping in mind that in business, you either be proactive or get kicked put of the market, if not entirely, to a larger extent. Once upon a time, about four years ago, when Apple was a brand to contend with, but now, it all seems like that’s about to change, at least if the latest report from LaptopMag is to be taken with any inch of seriousness. Apple no longer a top brand Most people might buy a Macbook because of numerous reasons, one of which might be the power that the Apple brand comes with. But that era would be end as according to LaptopMag, Apple has fallen, they moved from the number one spot (Which they’ve held since 2013) to number 5, quite a fall. Now, Apple fanboys might be wondering how in the ...